I left Atlanta on Thursday morning headed out west. The trip to the airport and the flight was uneventful,

except the waitress lady on the plane wouldn’t let me pee out the window. Something else I noticed, Them airplane folks don’t want you to clean their windows. On every one of the suckers it says something like “Crystalplex – Do Not Clean” . Now, that brings to mind, just at what point did fliers cleaning airplane windows become such a problem that they had to imprint that on their windows?
Now.. I was going out to see some very special folks and I was really looking forward to seeing them. I had imagined walking off the plane and being greeted by these two beautiful blondes.. having them hugging on me in front of the other passengers and making all the guys envious.
Weeelll, I walk off the plane and look around. Nope, no one there for me. I guess they are going to meet me in the baggage claim area. So, I sulk on over there and there are this ton and a half of folks standing around this little merry go round thing waiting on their baggage to magically appear. I looked thru the crowd real good and note no beautiful blondes.
So, I hang around till my baggage appeared. Every now and again I would reach in down like I was gonna grab someone else’s just to put a little excitement in someone’s day.
I grab my bags and walk outside and look around. Nope. No beautiful blondes there either. Weeeeell.. that was ok. These two ladies were driving three hours so I figured they must be running a little late. So, I set my bags down, and started pacing around a little and waiting.
And wait I did….
10 minutes…
20 minutes….
30 minutes…
40 minutes…
50 minutes…
60 minutes…
70 minutes…
80 minutes….
90 minutes…. This little gray car pulls up. Two beautiful blondes hop out and give me wonderful hugs!! It is awfully good to see Jane and Barb again.
We toss the luggage in the car, and take off.
After getting in the car and underway, Jane finally told me those three little words that mean so much too me….
Three little words that I so much wanted to hear….
Three little words that brightened my day….
Three little words that filled me with excitement and anticipation…
Next, of course was those three little words that causes men to cringe…
Those three little words that causes men to shudder with fear…
Those three little words that men most hate…
Jane drove us to Station’s casino. I wont go into details, but some of you may have ridden with her in the past. (I still have cold chills and white knuckles thinking bout her driving.)
At the casino, things started out pretty good. We lost a little money to begin with, but when we were running low I hit the roulette table. I had tripled my money when Barb sat down next to me wanting to try a system she had heard about for the roulette table. So, I agreed to give it a shot. I ain?t going to explain the system, but each time you loose you double your bet. It is supposed to be foolproof, but I ain?t never found anything yet that was Mark proof. I handed her some money and she bought some chips. Before I know it, she had $80.00 riding on one spin of the wheel. Now, that might not be a lot of money in your eyes, but to me it is about three trips to the beer can recycling place. The wheel spun and we both cringed and closed our eyes saying silent prayers to the ancient gods of gambling. When we peeked we found WE WON!!!! online sports betting