Ruqyah sheets are a unique way of using the Qur’an in healing. These are full size pages of the Qur’an printed with edible inks and can be diluted into 60 litres of water. This solution can be used for treatment of Sorcery, Jinn or other issues that cause problems such as sickness, illness and mental blocks. The sheets can also be used as a barrier for any jinn or evil eye that may come to a person, simply place the sheet in front of the person.
According to Hadiths, the Prophet (pbuh) would recite Surah Al Faatiha over any ill family member. It is recommended to read over a person using different verses to invite different results. For example reading Surah Baqarah over the head and shoulders is good for protection against evil eye and magic, while reading Surah al-Namrah over the back and feet is good for supplications against ailments.
Another hadeeth states that reciting the Names of Allah Almighty and verses from the Qur’an are beneficial for all ailments. However, they must be comprehensible and not contain polytheism. It is recommended to seek guidance from the scholars on this issue.
In addition, the recitation of the morning and evening adhkar are very effective for safeguarding against evil eye and magic. Ibn Qayyim Rahmahullah has explained that the morning and evening adhkar are like a shield, the thicker it is, the more protection a person will receive from the arrows that might be shot at them.