A Michael Kors bag is the perfect accessory to add a touch of glamour to your wardrobe. Whether you’re shopping for a shoulder bag, satchel bag or cross-body bag, these Michael Kors bags will definitely make you stand out from the crowd. With an impressive collection of bags that are crafted with much glitz and glam, it’s no wonder why these Michael Kors bags for women are a favorite among fashion lovers everywhere.
The Michael Kors brand was started by Michael Kors in 1981, and he had been interested in fashion since his teenage years. He began by designing and selling clothing from his basement in Long Island, NY, before moving to New York City and attending The Fashion Institute of Technology. He dropped out of FIT nine months later and worked at a boutique called Lothar’s, just opposite Bergdorf Goodman, as the designer and visual display head. He soon became popular for his glamourous yet comfortable sportswear, and in 1984, his first womenswear collection debuted at the department store.
Despite being a mass-market label, Michael Kors is known for its use of high-quality materials, and the brand has a number of luxury-looking purses and wallets that are easily recognizable by their name or logo on the front of the bag. The Chicago Tribune reports that most Michael Kors pieces feature a large MK logo or the designer’s signature keyring, and they are usually adorned with branded lining and leather trim. Prices for bags by this designer can range from around $150 for small leather goods to up to $1,610 for limited edition bags.
Michael Kors has also been accused of copying some of the designs of other luxury brands, including a similar look for their Mercer tote bag that looks like the Louis Vuitton Capucines and Neverfull bags. However, these bags are often sold at a fraction of the price of the originals and are still extremely well-crafted.
The brand’s diffusion line, MICHAEL Michael Kors, is a bit more relaxed in its aesthetic than the uptown main collection, and many of the designs have become cult favorites due to their soft leathers and New York-inspired charm. The MICHAEL Michael Kors Jet Set Travel Tote, which features gold-tone MK logo medallion and smooth pebbled leather, is a classic example of this.
While many people love the look of michael kors bags, it’s important to keep in mind that these are not made by highly trained craftsmen, unlike some of the luxury brands such as Chanel and Louis Vuitton that have their own factories in Italy or France to ensure the quality of their products. In addition, these bags are often manufactured in other countries where the labor is less expensive than it would be in Italy or France. As a result, many of these bags are not quite as high-quality as some other luxury items on the market. This is a reason why some people choose to buy michael kors clearance rather than paying full price for the same item. michael kors bags for women